A problem always has a solution

At Logos we are able to provide a variety of support solutions. Remote diagnostics, troubleshooting and monitoring. We have a solution for every need.

How we can help?

Proactive Remote Monitoring

We are able to provide proactive monitoring of the system. This option allows us to react immediately, before you even notice a fault. By using our remote monitoring we are able to diagnose faults much more quickly and efficiently.

Remote Diagnostics

Using our advanced diagnostic tools . We are able to remotely diagnose almost any fault in your system. In this way, we minimise our physical presence on your property, which contributes to your comfort. And we significantly reduce the time it takes to repair the fault.

System Rescue

There are no things that cannot be brought back into use. It may happen that everything fails, we are happy to accept new challenges. Therefore, we are at your service if no one else can help you.

System Takeover

If you are not satisfied with the current quality of service provided by your current supplier we think we can help. On many occasions we have helped customers who have lost all hope. Thanks to us, they were able to enjoy a smart home on their property again.