Lighting and Shading

Lighting control

When it comes to lighting, we are the experts. We provide an expert service for residential, hotel, multi-occupancy and commercial buildings.  Lighting has no secrets from us.

Total Control

The days of dumb switches are long gone. Every light in your house can be programmed to do exactly what you want it to do.

Occupancy Simulation

Planning to go away for the weekend or on holiday but don't feel confident leaving your home unattended? Simulating your presence in the property by turning on the lights to pretend you are home will definitely help!

Occupancy Detection

Special sensors can ensure that the lighting follows you wherever you are in your home. Adjusting the intensity according to the time of day.

Timers and Schedulers

Would you want the light to be on only in the evening but not active during the day? Maybe only at certain times of the year, or on certain days?

Presence Detection

Each of us should save energy. If no presence is detected in a room, the light will switch itself off after a certain time.


By simply walking away from your property, the lighting will activate or deactivate itself. Only because the system knows where you are.