Enviromental Control

Comfort of your home

Our solutions allow you to enjoy the comfort of your home regardless of weather conditions. We provide sustainable climate control methods that will save energy. Without complicated settings or advanced knowledge. Just touch and enjoy the comfort of your home.

Schedulers and Timers

The right temperature in your building can be controlled separately in each room. Each of them can have a separate schedule. Regardless of the season, your home is able to automatically cool or heat rooms to maintain a constant temperature.


When the occupants are away during the day, the property will switch to standby mode and save energy. Upon detection of the presence of the first occupant, the environmental control systems will return to normal operating mode.

Presence Detection

The rooms can detect the presence of individuals. As soon as someone enters the room, the temperature automatically rises to the previously set value. If they do not detect the presence of a visitor in the room for a long time, the temperature can be automatically reduced.

Holiday Mode

If you are away for an extended period, your property will go into frost protection or heat protection mode, depending on the time of year. This way you can be sure that the energy used in your home is only used to sustain the basic needs of the building.